Getting Started

We have built a starter project to make it super easy creating a new website with a back-end. Getting a new project up and ready is as simple as

git clone
cd starter-sanity
npm install
npm run init

# start the servers
npm run serve

Connecting a CMS Manually

When ready, you can connect a headless CMS of your choice. Currently, only is supported. To connect sanity make sure sanity-cli is installed and run:

sanity init --output-path ./sanity-studio --template clean

cd sanity-studio
sanity install @onlyhtml/sanity-plugin-onlyhtml-connector

This will create a folder named sanity-studio where we have our sanity studio project with the OnlyHtml plugin installed. The next step will be to configure Sanity and OnlyHtml, first edit<your-site>/sanity-studio/sanity.jsonand put an empty array in the parts field. This is important to allow OnlyHtml to control the studio's structure.

The final file should look like this

  "root": true,
  "parts": [],
  "project": {
    "name": "..."
  "api": {
    "projectId": "xxxxxxxx",
    "dataset": "production"
  "plugins": [
  "env": {
    "development": {
      "plugins": [

Then we need to configure OnlyHtml, open <your-site>/onlyhtml.json

    "hidden_sections": [],
    # add all below this
    "sanity": {
        "projectId": "xxxxxxxx",
        "dataset": "production",
        "useCdn": true,
        "apiVersion": "2021-08-09"

After doing so we can fire up our new CMS dashboard by running

# export onlyhtml schema into sanity studio
onlyhtml export sanity \
  --path anity-studio/config/@onlyhtml/sanity-plugin-onlyhtml-connector.json

# fireup the sanity studio dev server
cd ./sanity-studio
sanity start

Visit localhost:3333 to view and edit your website's content. When ready, you can run sanity deploy to deploy the dashboard publicly.

Sanity is a headless CMS providing a unified content platform. It is very developer friendly and allows defining schemas and data types directly from code.

Sanity Studio

The Sanity Studio is an open-source CMS built with React.js. It offers rapid configuration and free form customization. A developer can spin one up locally and when ready deploy the studio to production so non-technical users can use it too.

Main features include

  • Document revision history with rollback to editing sessions.

  • Real-time collaboration. No locking or overwriting.

  • Works on your phone and other touch devices.

  • Batch image uploads. Paste pictures right from the clipboard.

  • Large ecosystem of plugins

While developing, sanity studio runs locally in its own process, auto-reloading on any code or configuration change. Running npm run serve will start two servers, one for sanity Studio and the other for OnlyHtml. Edit the content in Sanity Studio and it will automaticlly appear in the website preview.

When your website is ready for publishing, run sanity deploy and follow the instructions from the sanity tool. This will deploy the Sanity Studio to a publicly available domain so anyone with credentials will be able to edit the content of your new website.

Last updated